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Wednesday 26 October 2011

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms - How to Diagnose and How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

That rheumatic condition provides some common signs or symptoms but its course throughout a patient's lifetime will vary from patient to patient. The difference from person to person is an essential aspect to be aware of; for example, after someone was diagnosed (at only 14) he is presented a dark future but, instead, over the many I witnessed ways his rheumatic problem presented itself inside specific case, and how it developed through the years in a unique manner. It may have to do with one's DNA as well as one's own body response plus it may also share how one takes up it, what one eats, how a single exercises, what one does to reduce the impact and effects of the condition one one's physique.

The following are generalisations from the disease symptoms. Across one's life, you'll find episodes (short or long) if the condition is activated (referred to because 'flare ups'). Then there are actually stages or intervals when this condition is within 'remission' and the patient is free out of symptoms. In my best experience, I can safely and securely say that since i have started using homeopathy, alternative medicine comes with allowed me to be in the 'remission' stage of that disease for many times. The only conditions have mostly been triggered by frightening events or highly stressful periods; at those times all I had created to do is to return to homeopathy as well as symptoms disappeared again with little or no homeopathic treatment.

Bearing in mind that this course of the sickness varies from person to person, the following is a the most common Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms within active stage in this rheumatic condition:
  • --Joint stiffness
  • --Reduced joint array of motion
  • --Muscle pain
  • --Mild fever
  • --Anaemia
  • --Mild to Extreme Fatigue
  • --Joint swelling
  • --Joint pain
  • --Redness and inflammation with the skin around the actual affected joints
  • --Joints affected are frequently joints of this hands, of your toes, the elbows, any ankles, the knees, sometimes several joints for the same times, other times one at a time, some times symmetrically together with other times only a side.
  • --Round nodules inside of the skin of any affected areas
  • --Lung inflammation
  • --Swollen glands
  • --Joint deformities
Best New ways to Diagnose This condition

Following is the common tests finished to diagnose RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS  :
  • --X-ray of the affected joint (this is earn money was diagnosed; it had been very clean together with unequivocal)
  • --ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)
  • -- C-Reactive health proteins (CRP)
  • --CBC (Complete maintain count)
  • --RA factor
Homeopathic remedy:

There are not one but two main homeopathic methods to This condition; I have talked about this on other pages in this website (see the report on topics and sub-topics at the left or together with any page). Summing up, the two most important 'schools' of Homeopathy adopt whether constitutional approach (read more in this particular on the webpage titled 'how homeopathy works) or even 'practical' (or contemporary) process; in my point of view and experience, the best homeopaths could mix both approaches in a manner that best suit every individual patient. It was obviously what worked best for me.

For best gains, it is at all times advisable to consult an outstanding homeopath before deformities embark on, but even afterward pain and stiffness can readily be controlled using homeopathy. With the best suited homeopathic remedies and dosages you can actually definitely put the infection back into remission whether indefinitely or meant for longer and longer periods, with perhaps occasional relapses which has been resolved by more homeopathic treatments. As of today, I have not even resorted to every pharmaceuticals and, as i mentioned, I was declared at 14 yrs . old (so, almost 26 in the past! ).

If you have already been diagnosed with this particular rheumatic condition or you endure some or much of the symptoms highlighted previously, you may have to know how to characteristics later stage deformities just by finding out what you can do now to combat this disease plus send it to help remission.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Lupus Symptoms-Symptoms and Diagnosis

Lupus Symptoms, Symptoms and Diagnosis

Lupus, short form with regard to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is often a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease seen as a its effect on different areas of the body such as your sensitive skin, joints, kidneys, plus blood. Basically, it can be a condition where the immune system of our body attacks/ fights specific to it tissues and cellular material, culminating in swelling, pain, and often trouble for the affected body organs. The good information is that for is going to be sufferers, lupus is very mild and only affects some organs. For your select few however, the disease can easily prove unbearable as they can be very painful as well as severe, not post life threatening.


There are four varieties of Lupus today, but will mostly are available in two major varieties. The first many common one may be the systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) through which it affects the majority of organs of the system. Drug-induced lupus certainly is the other type with lupus, although this is a sub-type of the SLE caused by some medications rarely used in heart disease, body pressure, and tuberculosis. Third type of Lupus is Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) that only affects your skin, causing an inflammation. The last model, although very hard to find is neonatal lupus, of which, as the name would suggest, affects neonates launched to women affected by SLE.

Causes and even Risk Factors

While the main cause of lupus is still vague, it is thought to result from a relationship of hereditary, hormonal, and geographical (stress, UV mild, infections, chemicals, and consumption of some drugs) causes. While Lupus make a difference in people of all ages you start with newborns, it is usual among women previous between 15 and 45 yrs . old, especially women who're black.


• Complexion rash

• Lean muscle aches

• Inflammation and pain during joints

• Stress and fatigue

• Hair great loss

• Loss associated with appetite

• Weight loss without trying

• Lesions to the bridge of any cheeks and nostrils

• Lesions at the scalp

Diagnosis for Lupus

A thorough physical examination, track record, and several medical tests, coupled with the particular presence of certain defining symptoms including arthritis, oral ulcers, body photosensitivity, butterfly rush, chest complications, kidney complications and additionally neurological disorders (psychosis or seizures) to cover but a small number of will confirm the particular presence of lupus. Such tests include: -

1. Anti-nuclear antibody examination

2. Anti-Sm antibody examination

3. Anti-DNA antibody try

4. An evaluation on the complement level regarding serum

5. Tests to confirm the presence with resistant complexes within the blood

Recommended exercises to relieve lupus symptoms
1. Motion exercises like stretching to assistance relive joint solidity and increase flexibility

2. Strengthening exercises including weight-lifting to support boost muscle effectiveness

3. Endurance or cardio such as walking, swimming, and/ or brisk walking to assist you to in weight administration, boost cardio exercise, and improve the functioning of the system

Foods to can include and exclude on the lupus diet

A very widespread misconception if you are suffering from lupus is that we now have some 'good and bad' foods which commonly either worsen and / or ease the lupus discomforts. This is really not the case. You will find no bad meals so any meal can lead to a flare. On the other hand, bad diets carry out exist hence an undesirable dietary choice can exacerbate your problem. Good nutrition stands out as the secret ingredient for anyone suffering from lupus.

Friday 22 July 2011

Autoimmune Disease Symptoms

Autoimmune disease is a pathological condition which is caused by an adaptive autoimmune response directed against an antigen within the body of the host. In other words, the body mistakenly attacks its own cells. The disease can affect every part of the human body. It may be systemic, affect single organs or organ systems or attacking several organ systems simultaneously.

Who gets autoimmune diseases?

People of certain races or ethnic backgrounds — Some autoimmune diseases are more common or more severely affect certain groups of people more than others. For instance, type 1 diabetes is more common in white people. Lupus is most severe for African-American and Hispanic people.
People with a family history — Some autoimmune diseases run in families, such as lupus and multiple sclerosis. It is also common for different types of autoimmune diseases to affect different members of a single family. Inheriting certain genes can make it more likely to get an autoimmune disease. But a combination of genes and other factors may trigger the disease to start.
People who are around certain things in the environment — Certain events or environmental exposures may cause some autoimmune diseases, or make them worse. Sunlight, chemicals called solvents, and viral and bacterial infections are linked to many autoimmune diseases.
Women of childbearing age — More women than men have autoimmune diseases, which often start during their childbearing years.

List of Autoimmune Disease and The Symptoms

Autoimmune Disease Symptoms are vary correspondingly depend on the parts of the body are attacked by the autoantibodies and on the development of the disease.

Alopecia areata Symptoms :
  • Patchy hair loss on the scalp, face, or other areas of your body
Antiphospholipid antibody Syndrome :
  • Blood clots in veins or arteries
  • Multiple miscarriages
  • Lacy, net-like red rash on the wrists and knees
Autoimmune hepatitis Symptoms :
  • Fatigue
  • Enlarged liver
  • Yellowing of the skin or whites of eyes
  • Itchy skin
  • Joint pain
  • Stomach pain or upset
Celiac disease Symptoms :
  • Abdominal bloating and pain
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Missed menstrual periods
  • Itchy skin rash
  • Infertility or miscarriages
Diabetes type 1 Symptoms :
  • Being very thirsty
  • Urinating often
  • Feeling very hungry or tired
  • Losing weight without trying
  • Having sores that heal slowly
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Losing the feeling in your feet or having tingling in your feet
  • Having blurry eyesight
Graves' disease Symptoms :
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Weight loss
  • Heat sensitivity
  • Sweating
  • Fine brittle hair
  • Muscle weakness
  • Light menstrual periods
  • Bulging eyes
  • Shaky hands
  • Sometimes there are no symptoms
Guillain-Barre syndrome Symptoms :
  • Weakness or tingling feeling in the legs that might spread to the upper body
  • Paralysis in severe cases
Hashimoto's disease Symptoms :
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Weight gain
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Muscle aches and stiff joints
  • Facial swelling
  • Constipation
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Symptoms :
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea, which may be bloody
  • Some people also have:
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Mouth ulcers (in Crohn's disease)
  • Painful or difficult bowel movements (in ulcerative colitis)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) Symptoms :
  • Weakness and trouble with coordination, balance, speaking, and walking
  • Paralysis
  • Tremors
  • Numbness and tingling feeling in arms, legs, hands, and feet
  • Symptoms vary because the location and extent of each attack vary
Myasthenia gravis Symptoms :
  • Double vision, trouble keeping a steady gaze, and drooping eyelids
  • Trouble swallowing, with frequent gagging or choking
  • Weakness or paralysis
  • Muscles that work better after rest
  • Drooping head
  • Trouble climbing stairs or lifting things
  • Trouble talking
Rheumatoid arthritis Symptoms :
  • Painful, stiff, swollen, and deformed joints
  • Reduced movement and function
  • May have:
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Eye inflammation
  • Lung disease
  • Lumps of tissue under the skin, often the elbows
  • Anemia
Sjögren's syndrome Symptoms :
  • Dry eyes or eyes that itch
  • Dryness of the mouth, which can cause sores
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Loss of sense of taste
  • Severe dental cavities
  • Hoarse voice
  • Fatigue
  • Joint swelling or pain
  • Swollen glands
  • Cloudy eyes
Systemic lupus erythematosus Symptoms :
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Hair loss
  • Mouth sores
  • Fatigue
  • "Butterfly" rash across the nose and cheeks
  • Rashes on other parts of the body
  • Painful or swollen joints and muscle pain
  • Sensitivity to the sun
  • Chest pain
  • Headache, dizziness, seizure, memory problems, or change in behavior
Vitiligo Symptoms :
  • White patches on areas exposed to the sun, or on armpits, genitals, and rectum
  • Hair turns gray early
  • Loss of color inside your mouth